When it comes to letting her know she’s always on your mind, think pink and lavender. We’ve hand-gathered a romantic mix of pink and purple blooms to create a gorgeous, garden-inspired bouquet. Designed by expert florist Breanna Cartwright of Modesto, CA, this beautiful bunch will remain a fond memory for a long time.
All-around arrangement with pink roses, Gerbera daisies, Oriental lilies, and larkspur, white snapdragons, and lavender stock
Large measures approximately 23”H x 14”W
Medium measures approximately 22”H x 13”W
Small measures approximately 21”H x 12”W
Artistically designed in a clear glass gathering vase; measures 8”H
We gathered some of the floral industry’s most gifted designers from local flower shops to explore exciting new creative ideas. The result is our exclusive collection of beautiful Design Council products.